

When 'everything' works great, it is great, but when things don't work right, it can frankly be a nightmare! I have been writing my blog I think since 2015.  I always say, 'I really don't write about anything much' but my readers tell me they enjoy it and I thank you very much.  I find it a fun thing to do.

My blog posts disappeared from my web site and 'some' are back but not in the order they were written but I can't do anything about that now unfortunately but...

Fun Times

It has been a very busy week.  Starting with a rug hooking retreat at Rothesay, NB at the Villa Madonna. Great group of gals from all over, organized by the New Brunswick Rug Hooking Guild. The fishing shacks on the river just below our Villa was in full force fishing mode.  Lots of shacks and a few of the ladies went to visit.  Photo above (L-R) are Margie Anderson, Susan Sheppard, Pauline Verstraten and Lynne Lines.

I finished up this lovely pattern by Encompassing Designs called Lesley at the retreat.

Winter Blues

Do you get the 'winter blues'? What is the 'winter blues'?  I think when we are dealt with cold and darkness for an extended period of time, it affects us.  How we deal with it, differs from person to person.  For me, I don't think I consciously think about it. It is what it is for me, I'm usually so busy getting through each day, I don't have time to dwell on that I guess.  I know I would be lost without the seasons, so this too will pass.  Some people...

Sunny COLD Days

When the sun shines, it makes everything all better doesn't it?  It has been very cold but like a cat, when the sun is shining on you, it makes you feel great.  Lots of things going on in the world right now, come back to your craft, whatever that may be and try to stay calm.  Look out for one another and help your neighbor.  Do what you can.

My progress on my Encompassing Designs pattern, called Lesley below.  So much fun to do.

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Enjoy The Weather You are Dealt With

We are experiencing some very cold weather here in Nova Scotia.  Whether you like it or not, it will still be cold and snowy so we my as well embrace it. The above photo was taken by my friend Lisa who lives at the top of the Cabot Trail.  She belongs to a snowmobile club there and this photo she snapped yesterday at the top of the Highlands.  What a view.  Enjoy the weather you are dealt with.  Perfect for snow shoeing, skating, snowmobiling, a drive enjoying the view, if we...