News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Maple Season, March 27, 2022


For those of you who love 'everything' maple, you need to live in my neck of the woods because the 'sugar camps' as we call them, are all around us.  I don't even think about it much as I'm not a fan of 'everything maple'.  I grew up sipping sap from the maple trees my dad would tap and I would go ewwwww, I don't like.  Same to this day, I'm not a fan.  My daughter who lives in Halifax, loves all things maple wanted to walk to a sugar camp...

First Day of Spring, March 20, 2022

Well we made it!  Spring is upon us!  The above picture is of Crocus that is usually along with Daffodils the first flowers to pop out of the ground this time of year.  I was at my daughters on the weekend in Halifax and she had some Crocus peeking out already.

I got some work done on my Nutcracker, he'll be done before long.

In Nova Scotia, COVID restrictions are lifted except in the schools and health care facilities and any other...

Bit By Bit, March 13, 2022

Do you say to yourself, I'll do this or that tomorrow? Not giving a thought of whether we will be here the next day?  Do you put off going some where until another day?  I love most music but country is my favorite and there is this song by Cody Johnson called, T'll You Can't.  If you have a chance, take it, if you have a dream, chase it because a dream won't chase you back.  Isn't that the truth right?  One never knows what life will throw at you, embrace...

Change In The Air, March 06, 2022

The world is troubled by what is going on the other side of the world. The world isn't very big is it when we have social media and are able to get lots of information day or night on any subject.  Our prayers are with the people of Ukraine and the innocent people of Russia.  No one wins.

I have a new pattern called Teralisa's Nutcracker.  Teralisa drew the pattern with some help from Shelley and myself.  I decided I want to also hook this pattern and I am trying to...

Connections, February 27, 2022

We are all connected, we are all human, we hurt, we love, we bleed. The last world pandemic was in 1918, Influenza.  We have had to learn to deal and live with COVID 19 over the past two years. Most of us had never had to deal with a pandemic in our life time.  Millions have lost their lives.  We need to continue to be kind and loving.  More changes coming our way in Nova Scotia with the lifting of restrictions.  Please continue to be understanding of those who may be...