News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.
Father's Day June 18, 2023
Happy Father's Day to all the dads who are tightly bonded to their children, whether through blood or love. The above picture is of my dad who rarely smiles so I was happy to capture it.
I love visitors in the studio. Below is of Paula Weiss (the queen on her throne) and her subjects, Erin McKenna and Lynn Kinsella. Paula made the chair she is sitting on, well the cushion she made for it. These girls get around, they just returned from a wonderful fibre trip to Wales.
Be Kind, June 11, 2023
In life, there are always going to be changes. Some good, some not so good but how we deal with them is what is important. Having a support system, family and friends always helps for the not so good changes and even the good ones are nice to share. I know lots of people are going through a lot, especially here in Nova Scotia due to the recent fires. I hope we can be kind to those around us as we don't know what they may be experiencing in their lives. ...
Finishing Projects, June 04, 2023
First off, my thoughts and prayers are for all Nova Scotian's affected by last weeks forest fires. We've received some much needed rain since Friday but I'm told it will take perhaps months to completely extinguish the fires. We must all be diligent and act responsibly. Nova Scotia Stay Strong! My granddaughter Sophie told me tonight that she...
Hook-Ins and Mischief! May 28, 2023
It has been a busy couple of weeks. I vended at the Springhill Hook-in on May 17th, the above picture is of Shelley and I. Thank you Shelley for all you do for me, I truly appreciate it! I thank all those who bought from me at the hook-in, was wonderful to see everyone.
Below is Betty MacKay's puzzle rug she completed, sold by Della's Rug Hooking Studio. She did a great job.
Joan Fuller finished this little Buoy design by Della's...
Nova Scotia, Rug School, May 14, 2023
What a week we had last week! My first rug school (in 16 years) was fabulous! Over 150 students, new friends to be made, old to greet, fun events what more could someone ask for? The above photo is of my classmates attending the Marion Rose class with Sheila Stewart leading us. A full week of hooking to our hearts content. I can't wait until next year!
Before I show you what I worked on all week at rug school, I want to show you my finished (Elaine Harrison, yellow flowers)...