News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.
Once Upon a Time, September 17, 2023
Once upon a time, in the land of the east coast of Nova Scotia, a hurricane named Lee, was to visit on the weekend. He was to appear as a hurricane for some Atlantic provinces and for other provinces, a tropical storm. Whichever coat he wore, he out stayed his welcome, stayed for supper, the night, and breakfast! Most provinces fared better than expected. Always can be so much worse.
The Northport Loopers have postponed their hook-in from tomorrow, September 18th to Monday, September 25th, 2023. Hope to see you all...
September Begins, September 09, 2023
September is starting off here in Nova Scotia, very warm and high humidity. The above photo was taken by me of my flowers (ligularia) that only bloom in September. What was weird, they are actually gold in colour but my camera on my phone would only take them looking yellow. They are very beautiful in person.
Last week was a fun week, our group in Northport had Ruth Downing teach us her Saint Nick course. Ruth is a fabulous teacher and we all learned a lot. Below is my...
Fall Is Here! September 03, 2023
The above picture was taken by Caroline Simpson, at The Lady of Hope, last week at the rug hooking retreat. We had a wonderful time and Caroline takes wonderful sunset photos.
Anne Lockhart invited us for chili, the below is Anne standing beside her wonderful stair risers she rug hooked and the second is the gang at Anne's home.
We were able to hook on the deck at The Lady of Hope, a...
The Pure Joy of Rug Gatherings & Friends, August 27, 2023
I had missed writing my blog last Sunday as I was in Newfoundland at Rug School. It was everything I had hoped! The above photo is of the Table Mountains when you land off the boat at Port-aux Basques. Breath taking. The people were fabulous, saw one moose thankfully not near the highway. We had a car load, hardly room for a person in the back.
At rug school we had a kitchen...
Winds of Change, August 13, 2023
Change is inevitable, some of us embrace it, others run the opposite direction. Do you like when the seasons change? I saw a flock of geese this morning. How is that possible as this is usually a sign that fall is coming but it is only the middle of August! Children grow up, people get older, a new rug pattern needs to be started, how do we handle these changes? The human being is very adaptable to changes as history has shown.
I have been working on a couple more mug...