News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Early Visitor

We are nearly half way through November but old man winter seems to have arrived as we have been experiencing very cold temperatures and snow for the last few weeks.  What is up with that? The poor maple leaves hadn’t fallen from the trees as of yet. You can see from the above photo the frost on the ground almost on a daily basis now.

My surgery went well or at least I think it has. Healing time and getting mobility back in the knee will take time I am...

Adventures & Change

It has been a few weeks since I have wrote my blog. I was away in California, LA area for 10 days. In the above photo you can see the lovely hill sides. Some look barren others lush with trees.  Mountains were never far off it seemed.

We visited Santa Clarita, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Santa Barbara, Los Vegas and San Francisco. The below picture is of the Golden Gate Bridge. We did a lovely sunset cruise under it.

We saw sea lions...

Fibre Festivals


If you get the chance, you definitely should take in a fibre festival. The annual, week long, Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival finished up this weekend.  The Northport Loopers hosted a showing of rugs, almost 200 rugs were on display from various rug hookers near and far.  Below are a few pictures for your enjoyment.

Part of the festival included...

Canadian Thanksgiving, 2023

Another trip around the sun. Do times like this make you reflect on the past a bit, do you recognize changes around you, in you? Do you think about accomplishments attained or denied? Shoulda, woulda, coulda seems to always hang around.

This I know for sure, time waits for no one and goes faster the older one gets.  I know I think about how it was possible a year has gone by. Don’t blink and be thankful for all you have around you, friends and family...

Rug Hooking Retreats, September 24, 2023

If you have never, you should consider attending a rug hooking retreat whenever you can.  They are simply fabulous besides no house work nor making a meal, the socializing with other like minded people and enjoying each other's company and hooking until our hearts are content!  I was privileged to attend the Past Time Matters rug hooking retreat in PEI last week, it was simply fabulous!  This group of ladies welcomed us 'odd balls', Diane and I with open arms.  I truly appreciate the support shown by these group of ladies....