News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Summer Time Hooking

It is fresh strawberry picking and eating time in Nova Scotia! We are so blessed to have so many growers of strawberries around us. My granddaughter Sophie and her family went picking strawberries and she is holding up in the photo above a unique looking strawberry.

Do you hook less or more during the summer months? A few of us went hooking on Thursday at the Ottawa House in Parrsboro, NS with the Beachside Rug Hookers. It was a lovely time and this...

Canada Day

Happy long weekend everyone! Canada Day is tomorrow. I hope you get to share it with friends and family.

It has been a busy week here at the studio. In addition to servicing customers I attended a two day workshop by Ruth Downing on the study of trees. It was a great two days of learning! Below is my progress so far.

A couple of photos from the course.

Ruth Downing above.


Is There Such a Thing as TOO MUCH FUN?

It sure has been busy here in the studio as well as outside the studio.  The above my son gave me, he's so cute and welcomes all visitors to my studio.

On Friday I had a few visitors, forgot to take Rennie and Michael's photos.  Catherine and Valerie have been traveling from Maine around Nova Scotia, hitting up all of the Rug Hooking Supply stores.  They were a delight and Catherine had brought along her emotional support chicken.

Ron and Caroline visited...

Sunny Days, Fathers Day

The above photo was taken the other day showing a reflection of the sky in the top of my glass top table.  I thought it was such a pretty photo.

Has it ever not been nice on Father’s Day?  I know I am so fortunate to still have my dad. He is always so helpful and ready to lend a helping hand if he can. Celebrate your dad whether he is here or not.

I have finished punching my mini punch pattern by Sew Cherished. Now to think of what...

Leaping Lizards, Did You See That?

In my neck of the woods, Northern Nova Scotia, I had never heard of or seen a flying squirrel.  Apparently they exist.  The above I am not sure if he was 'actually' flying, but he sure could leap in the air!  I went to take a photo of him peaking around my red post of my deck and little did I know at the time, I caught him in mid flight.  I couldn't have planned this if I tried!  Squirrels can cause a lot of destruction so he's GOT TO GO! ...