News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.
Rug Hookers, Just Wanna Have FUN! February 19, 2023
If you get the chance, I highly recommend any Rug Hooking Retreat. The chance to relax and share with like minded people, lots of belly laughs, does the soul good! In addition, all meals provided and all we had to do was relax and enjoy.
I spent the past week at one such Rug Hooking retreat with a wonderful group of people. Got inspired by all of the lovely work, made new friends and yes, laughed so hard, I wet my pants! The above picture is everyone's work for the week,...
Valentines & Football? February 12, 2023
I think the weekend before Valentines AND having football is a conundrum. Just my opinion, maybe couples plan to do something special on the actual 14th but if children are involved, getting a sitter on the weekend for me was always easier. I hope you can show love all around you and not just on Valentines but it is a good excuse or reminder to be extra kind to those you love. As to football? Well, if you enjoy that, you are in luck tonight!
Catherine Robichaud shared some of her...
Baby It's COLD Outside, February 05, 2023
Today is actually not as cold as it was the past few days so we will take it. I laughed a friend had posted a little cartoon saying if those chores you were putting off until 'hell' froze over, this weekend your time is up! Made me laugh, we sometimes put off those things we don't really want to do. Record breaking temperatures were seen in our neck of the woods.
I had to post this beautiful photo of my granddaughter above, today is her first dance class!
I have been...
Last Weekend of January, 2023, January 29, 2023
Wow, where did the month of January go? I'm sure you have heard that the months of January and February are usually the hardest for people, partly due to the short daylight we get. I know time seemed to fly when my children were young, then working life, but now that I am retired, time isn't going any slower! Seems to be going faster! I blink and a whole week goes by and I wonder, what did I do? Why are we so focused on 'accomplishing' things or being productive every...
Foot Prints, January 15, 2023
I made an apple pie yesterday, the apples were still frozen so I left my rolled out dough on my island and went down stairs to do something else. When I returned, you can see the above picture what I came back to. Clear evidence that 'someone' had been there. When something unexpected occurs, how do you handle it? Do you get upset? Do you just smile and move on? Do you grab a picture and share? Do you repeat to yourself, I love my cat, I love my...