News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

February, The Love Month

When I looked up Valentines online, I was surprised to find apparently there is a Valentine week!  Who would have thought!  I say let's make it the entire month.  Never too much to show those you love or to love yourself!  Do what makes you happy and puts a smile on your face. 

A quick update for those who may be wondering, my knee replacement isn’t progressing as it should. I met with my surgeon last week and I was told decisions had to be made during surgery based on the...

Let it SNOW, Let it SNOW!


Ok, so maybe this is my fault. Last week I was complaining about the lack of snow.  If we are going to have freezing temperatures, we may as well have the snow to go with it! Right? Just maybe not this much snow? Parts of Nova Scotia are getting dumped on right Lisa? 6 - 8 feet already you say? Oh my! Can't help but giggle. The above photo is looking out my studio basement window, it is drifting a bit and more to come today and tonight.


Goodbye January!

You can let yourself out January, you were the beginning of 2024, the start of a new year.  We don't need you any longer.  You brought some cooler temperatures not much snow, shorter days and longer nights. My poor granddaughter hasn't had any decent snow to snowboard on or make a decent snowman.  Look at this poor guy! But he is sweet because her and her father made it with love.

We are now ready for the love month of February.  You...

Winter Blues

Do you suffer from the ‘winter blues’ this time of year? Are you bothered by the lack of daylight, shorter days? Colder temperatures? Do you get in a ‘funk’, maybe not as social as you usually are?  A lot of people may have a shorter fuse for tolerating things than any other time of the year. What can we do to help ourselves? Keep friends close, force yourself to get out of the house, do something you enjoy and take one day at a time. This too will pass. I...

The Calm After, The Two Wind Storms?

It has been a very strange winter here in Nova Scotia so far.  Many ‘wind’ type of storms, the ‘shake the roof’ kind of winds. Now don’t get me wrong, we will get wind living on the coast of The Bay of Fundy, wind is normal. Usually we are having a ton of snow with the wind and this year so far, the snow has been absent, perhaps on holidays?  I was to travel to my daughters in Halifax yesterday but had to stay home due to the storm. Today was...