News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Last Week of October, October 24, 2021

The beautiful fall leaves in my neck of the woods have nearly all fallen off the maple trees.  You know what comes next, cooler temps and snow.  We've had a wonderful fall thus far so I can't complain.  Halloween will be almost over this time next week.  The above picture is of my granddaughter Sophie and the costume she will be wearing to trick and treat.  I think she looks like a fabulous astronaut and I am glad I got to see it in person this weekend while visiting.

I was...

Beautiful Autumn, October 17, 2021

All of the glorious colours surrounding us here in Northern Nova Scotia just makes a body feel wonderful!  I'll be sad to see all the leaves fall from the trees.  It is my favorite time of year I must admit.  The above picture I captured at a friends camp. A few of us were fortunate to spend a day hooking by the lake.  It was so peaceful.  I grabbed the below shot from the deck looking over the little lake.

I finished...

Canadian Thanksgiving, October 10, 2021

It is that time of year again to reflect and be thankful for all of our blessings. The little squirts picture above is my youngest grandchild Sophie and I. She is my light such a doll.

I am working on a new rug for Sophie’s playroom. Sophie’s dad is Russian and his wife, my daughter Jenna thought a rug with the Russian alphabet would be a nice thing to have to help enhance Sophie’s learning of the Russian language.

In the mail...

Fly, Fly Away, October 03, 2021

The Canadian geese are on their way, daily, morning and night I see flocks of geese making their long journey to warmer climates.  They talk to me each time they fly over my house, seriously, they honk and I tell them to please travel safe.  I am sure a lot of Canadians wish they could fly off to warmer climates this winter.

I have made a little progress on my Bunka project, the trees and bottom half of the design is complete and I am liking it.

Read the article

Rain, Rain, September 26, 2021

You know the saying, when it rains, it pours.  Today seemed to be exactly that.  When you thought it couldn't possibly rain any harder, it did. I was traveling home today from Halifax and I have never driven on the highway with so much water on it before.  It was crazy and I hope all those who had to travel on it, got safely home.

The above picture, is our dear friend, Dianne Bacon who passed this week.  Dianne has been a member of the Town and Country Thrummers...