News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.

Routine, May 30, 2021

As I sit here thinking about what I should write about tonight, my dog Charlie, is upstairs making lots of noises to let me know it is supper time and I haven't fed him as of yet.  It is 4:50 p.m. and he knows the routine, I am most times making supper around this time of day.  Charlie is usually pretty good waiting me out, but not tonight for some reason!  The above picture is of Charlie rolling in the grass and no doubt there was a smell of something decaying...

Still Standing, May 23, 2021

Thanks to Judy Sadler, I am now hooked on watching the TV series called 'Still Standing'.  The above picture is of Jonny Harris who travels across Canada visiting small towns.  He learns and listens to what makes the town tick then performs a stand up comedy about the town and people he has met.  The show is in it's sixth season and I'm fast catching up, I am now watching season 4 already.  I have a list of small towns across Canada I want to visit because of this show, when...

Blooming Season, May 16, 2021

We have had some very nice weather this weekend, sun has been bright, flowers are blooming.  Above are my phlox minus the grass that likes to grow in it.  Outside work keeps me busy this time of year and I`m sure you as well.

Today has been a strange day for me.  I needed to go digging for pictures.  Anyone who knows me, knows I love taking photos and I take a lot!  I meticulously save them by year on my external hard drive so I will have them forever!  How...

Mother's Day, May 09, 2021

A few years ago, I found the above picture on FaceBook and I thought it was appropriate to recognize all 'mums'. I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many 'strong' moms in my life. We are the glue that holds everything together. When the glue gets misplaced, cracked with wear or temporarily lost , we know where to find more, we lean on each other for more glue. This is the Rug Hooking community in my opinion. We help each other out, lean on each other when needed and...

Rug School, May 2, 2021

The Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia is very excited to begin their very first 'virtual' rug school.  Tonight was the opening ceremony on zoom.  It was nice to see faces of rug hooking friends we haven't seen in awhile.  I hope everyone enjoys their week!  Remember everyone is learning in this new environment called Zoom, help one another and be kind.

Most of you know Nova Scotia is on lock down once again.  Everyone handles stress differently, remember to be kind in all of your daily dealings as you don't know what that other...