Yesterday was the first day of Summer! Yeahhhh! The picture above is of my 15 almost 16 year old Spirea. I thought it was never going to bloom this year. It is out in all it's glory now though.
A lot of restrictions are being lifted thankfully due to Covid-19. I think we will have to see what the next few weeks bring. I had my granddaughter and daughter staying with me last week which was a joy. I didn't get any more hooking done on my Denver Fish Rug. I haven't had an excuse since Friday night not to be working on it. I think I'm avoiding it. I think I have to be in a certain 'mood' to tackle that face
I walked around the house and took some pictures of my flowers. I stopped to smell the flowers.
Della's Rug Hooking is now carrying Sari Silk. Stop in to pick yours up!
In the mail this week, Kate shared with me her rug she completed. I had custom dyed the background for her.
Linda is working away at her pattern which is looking awesome. The green grass is my Brilliant Green and Miss Moss for the leaves in the tree.
In Nova Scotia, we've been getting heat wave kind of weather the last week which is very unusual for us and especially this time of year. Have an awesome week everyone.