I'm sure most of you have experienced 'failure' or 'falling down' and having to get back up. My earliest memory of being told 'if at first you don't succeed, get back up and try again' probably was when I was maybe 10 years old. My neighbor had small horses, their daughter 'Janice' would take the neighborhood kids under her wing and let us ride the horses from time to time. I can remember being so excited at the prospect of being able to get up on one of the horses. Reality is always a little different than expectation right? Things usually go one of two ways, not so good or better than expected! Once I was up on the back of that horse we began trotting very slowly with Janice leading the horse and I fell off. I wasn't hurt but I had been always nervous around horses, now I was even more afraid but Janice said I had to get back up on the back of that horse or I never would. So I did, but I quickly learned that me and horses never had a meeting of the minds so to speak so I stuck with walking.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained is another popular saying. I have had my share of web page troubles and it is not an arena that I'm comfortable in learning. If I wish to be 'online' I need to learn so to that end, I've enrolled into an 'e-commerce' course the month of February and after one week, it has become very apparent that I need to move away from my present wordpress web page platform. It is scary but I can do it right? I am embarrassed at the continued popups people are getting and I'm so sorry this is happening. Stay tuned!
Last week I shared with you my Jeanius purse I had finished but I held one back until I was able to give to my mother. My mom, (Joan) is my biggest fan, biggest helper, she loves cats so I made her Jeanius purse and she loves it!
In the mail this week, Terry had purchased my 'Three Wishes' pattern and sent me an update, one poinsettia completed. Terry hand dyed the poinsettia and holly and used my wool called Three Wishes for the background. I think this is one of the loveliest Three Wishes I have seen. Keep us posted Terry!
Mary emailed me this lovely rug she hooked, called Mandala, a Sarah Skrlj design by Martina Lesar. She combined my wool fabric and yarns, Three Wishes and Pixie Dust for the background. She is making this into a pillow. It is lovely, thanks for sharing with us Mary!
Susan is a hooking machine! She updates regularly her followers on FaceBook on her hooking journey on Tiffany. I love it!
Barbara has finished hooking the three snowmen. I had shared her progress a couple of weeks ago and I thought you would like to see an update! Keep us posted Barbara, can't wait to see the affect of putting in the snow.
A big snow storm coming our way tonight, everyone stay safe and warm! Have an awesome week!