We are already half way through September, how did that happen? I've had lots going on here at the Studio, my daughter Jenna and her daughter Sophie were here for a week. School started and my big man Denver started grade 5. Summer packed her stuff and didn't say goodbye and fall is in the air. I love sunflowers so the feature photo at the beginning of this blog is a picture I had taken when we visited Trueman Farms.
Below is a cute picture I love of Denver and Sophie and my big man first day of school.
I forgot about blogging last Sunday night, not sure why but I know my daughter, husband and granddaughter went home that day. Hooking has begun at my Studio every Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring a lunch, stay for as long or as little as you want and work on whatever you would like. We've had a good crowd the past two weeks.
I had attended the balloon fest in Sussex last weekend. My friend Lisa and I were hoping to get up in a balloon but that didn't happen, Dorian decided to pay a visit and ruined lots of plans so the below pictures shows you the only ride we got was on the ground!
I had attended the Advocate Hook-In and saw lots of old and new friends. The rug hooking community had lost a rug hooker earlier this summer, Marilyn Welton. I had attended several rug hooking classes with Marilyn and always enjoyed her company and humor. She was a lovely rug hooker although she would never say she was. Below is Carole Fullerton's rug she is hooking. It is beautiful.
The Springhill group has started up their weekly hooking on Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. I was able to attend last week and saw lots of familiar faces. Vera McInnis finished her rug, see below, it is so vibrant.
Below is a picture of Betty Rockwell and her lovely rug, Betty loves to work in #3 cut.
The Northport Loopers are hosting their annual hook-in, tomorrow, September 16th at the Northport, Community Hall, 10 - 2. Hope to see you there! I will be the vendor on site tomorrow, stop to say hello!
Have an awesome week everyone!