How do you handle ‘curve balls’ that come your way? I believe life is ‘full’ of changes, things are not meant to stay the same. I have said, ‘we all have shit, just different shit’. How we handle the ‘stuff’ is the key. My partner Charlie, last fall had bought a property near the Buctouche River. We love it there and are looking forward to spending lots of ‘summer time’ there, we call it the cottage. Charlie bought a ride on mower to deal with the grass at the cottage, one mow and the mower is now waiting for repairs. What can you do? Just deal. Stuff happens. Sometimes stuff happens that isn’t welcomed and sometimes it is! Charlie has been living and working in PEI for the past year since I met him. Charlie begins a new job this month here in Amherst, and therefore now I have a roommate! We are both extremely happy about it. Definitely ‘good stuff’ to happen.
I have been working on a mini punch project, I forgot to take a photo before coming to the cottage so I can’t share my progress on that. I participated in a felting workshop last week and made a couple of cute things, forgot to take a photo of that as well so I will share in next weeks post.
In tha mail this week, Wallace White shared his lovely Iris he hooked, his pattern and wool from Della’s Rug Hooking Studio. Thanks so much for sharing!
Betty Mackay finished up her Freddy Fish pattern by Della’s Rug Hooking Studio. I love how she did the fish, great job Betty!
Have an awesome week everyone and look at your ‘curve balls’ as opportunities for change.
I am so happy that you have Charlie to share all the good and bad in life!
Great news Della! About Charlie moving to Amherst that is not about the lawn mower.
Good thing comes to good people <3 Happy for you and Charlie!
So happy for you and Charlie. ❤️
Hope to come for a visit while I’m in NS.
Enjoy your day 🌞🌞🌞